What is EMDR?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a powerful psychotherapy approach that has helped over an estimated two million people of all ages relieve many types of psychological distress.
*Designated as an effective treatment by the American Psychiatric Association, the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and more.
What is the Actual EMDR Therapy Session Like?
During EMDR therapy, the therapist works with the client to identify a specific problem as the focus of the treatment session.
The client calls to mind the disturbing issue or event, what was seen, felt, heard, thought, etc., and what thoughts and beliefs are currently held about that event. The therapist facilitates the directional movement of the eyes or other dual attention stimulation of the brain, while the client focuses on the disturbing material, and the client just notices whatever comes to mind without making any effort to control direction or content. Each person will process information uniquely, based on personal experiences and values. Sets of eye movements are continued until the memory becomes less disturbing and is associated with positive thoughts and beliefs about one’s self; for example, “I did the best I could.” During EMDR therapy, the client may experience intense emotions; by the end of the session, most people report a gradual reduction in the level of disturbance.

What Kind of Problems can EMDR Therapy Treat?
Scientific research has established EMDR therapy as effective for post traumatic stress. However, I have achieved success using EMDR therapy in the treatment of the following conditions:
- Panic Attacks
- Complicated Grief
- Dissociative Disorders
- Body Dysmorphic Disorders
- Disturbing Memories
- Phobias
- Eating Disorders
- Stress Reduction
- Addictions
- Sexual and/or Physical Abuse
- Pain Disorders
How Does EMDR Therapy Work?
We know that when a person is very upset, their brain cannot process information as it does ordinarily. One moment becomes “frozen in time,” and remembering a trauma may feel as bad as going through it the first time because the images, sounds, smells and feelings haven’t changed. Such memories have a lasting negative effect that interferes with the way a person sees the world and the way they relate to other people.
EMDR therapy can be thought of as a physiologically based therapy that helps a person see disturbing material in a new and less distressing way.
For more information, visit the EMDR International Association Website at www.emdria.org

Ready to Get Started?
Contact me to schedule a free 15-minutes phone consultation. I’m happy to answer your questions about my approach.